Welcome to the exciting world of biomedical science. What’s biomedical science? It is science that explores who we are, what goes wrong when we get sick, and new ways to combat disease and improve the human condition. In short, it represents the FUTURE of MEDICINE! This is exciting stuff but unfortunately because of its technical nature, pervasive jargon and sophisticated concepts, it largely stays outside the range of non-scientists' comprehension. Providing an understanding of these amazing advances to non-scientists (and scientists too!) is the niche of Illumina SciCom seeks to fill with its talented staff - Drs. Norbert Herzog and David Niesel and scientific editor, Catherine May Fulton. Recognizing a need to improve the communication of biomedical science to everyday people, these biomedical scientists formed Illumina SciCom in 2012. The focus is to provide short (2–3-minute reads) stories about breaking advances in biomedical science in an entertaining and understandable style. These advances could appear in your clinic this year, or spawn new therapies or drugs in the future. By reading these stories, you would be in the know about them!Our focus is to present stories that are interesting, that are fun, and excite your curiosity. And you may even learn something new! Stories have covered whether full body scanners at airports pose radiation risks, the keys to ending the COVID-19 pandemic, emerging bionic eyes, the link between too little sleep and early death, among many others. There are also historical pieces on how Beethoven died, the health of presidents, and how Neanderthals are still affecting our health today through their genes that are part of our genetic legacy. Other stories describe people who hear in color, how brain waves are allowing disabled people to type and how the human body changes during space flight.